Module 2

Key Focus

  • Anatomy

  • Surya Namaskara

  • Vinyasa Yoga Theory and Method

  • Standing Asana

  • Intro to Pranayama


  • 2.1 | Anatomy

  • 2.2 | Injuries

  • 2.3 | Props

  • 1.4 | Veda and Vedanta

  • 1.5 | Intro to Mantra

  • 1.6 | The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

  • 1.7 | Exam

Required Materials

  • Functional Anatomy of Yoga by David Keil

Suggested Materials

  • Ashtanga Yoga Practice and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle

  • The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar

  • Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health by BKS Iyengar

  • Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

  • David Garrigues online resources & study materials

  • Primary Series Guide (click here)

  • Vayu Siddhi Secrets to Yogic Breathing A Guide to Ujjayi Breathing and Pranayama (click here)

  • Podcast: Outsmarting Pain in Practice (click here)

  • Podcast: Customizing your Practice is 7th Series (click here)

Independent Study Opportunities (w/ instructor permission)



Module 1.2 | The Samkhya

Points of Focus

  • What makes yoga philosophy distinct from monism?

  • Why is Samkhya considered “non-theistic”?

  • Duality vs. Non-Duality

  • Explaining the three gunas and their role in yoga practice.

  • Why did Samkhya decrease in popularity over time?



Module 1.2 | The Samkhya

Points of Focus

  • What makes yoga philosophy distinct from monism?

  • Why is Samkhya considered “non-theistic”?

  • Duality vs. Non-Duality

  • Explaining the three gunas and their role in yoga practice.

  • Why did Samkhya decrease in popularity over time?



Module 1.3 | The Myths and Gods of India

Points of Focus

  • What is the relationship between Samkhya and Hinduism?

  • What were the religions of ancient India?

  • What is the purpose of Hindu Art (statues, paintings, etc.)?

  • Was yoga once a part of Hinduism?

  • What is the Hindu Triad?



Module 1.4 | Veda and Vedanta

Points of Focus

  • Monism vs. Dualism

  • What is the difference between Veda and Vedanta?

  • Are the Vedas a part of yoga philosophy?

  • What is the Vedanta viewpoint regarding Samkhya?

  • Is yoga a part of Hinduism?



Module 1.6 | Intro to Mantra

Points of Focus

  • Introduction to Sanskrit

  • Rhythm and tempo during mantras

  • 5 basic mantras

  • Chanting in a group setting

  • Must a yoga class contain Mantra?



Module 1.7 | Yoga Sutras

Points of Focus

  • What are the key points of Book 1 and Book 2 respectively?

  • According to Patanjali what is the cause of ignorance?

  • According to Patanjali what is the cause of suffering?

  • According to Patanjali, how do we overcoming suffering?

  • What are the 8 limbs of yoga?

Independent Studies (with Instructor Permission)