We highly recommend, and credit the inspiration for the following light hearted rendition to the following Yoga Sutra to the following, highly regarded and accurate Yoga Sutra of Patanjali translations (note; these are the two translations which are used primarily during our yoga teacher training courses):
Yoga the Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
The Science of Yoga by I.K. Taimini
You may also find a free translation of the Yoga Sutras here: https://archive.org/details/PatanjaliYogaSutraBySwamiVivekananda/page/n19
Now, the chapter on Samadhi.
Now, the instruction of yoga.
Yoga is the process of ending the disturbances of the field of consciousness (thoughts).
Then the seer (self/purusha) exists in its own true nature
Otherwise the seer confirms to the definitions of thought
Definitions of thought are five fold, they are either causing pain or not causing pain
They are evaluation, misperception, conceptualization, sleep, and memory (those are the 5)
Valid means of evaluation are; direct perception, inference, and testimony
Misperception is mistaken knowledge, founded on an appearance which is illusory
Conceptualization is without an actual object, and thus relies on concept in language
Thoughts that are coming from the mind but have no substance is called sleep
Memory is not allowing a past experience to be let go
The suppression of thoughts comes from practicing non-attachment
Practice is remaining in this place of no thought, a place without attachment.
Practice becomes firmly grounded when it has been attended to for a long time, without interruption, and with devotion
Non-attachment is the full knowledge of the seers mastery on the part of one who is not clinging to objects already experienced or described by others (Houston)
The more advanced type of non-attachment is when there is a lack of clinging to the gunas themselves
Samprajnata Samadhi is that which is accompanied by reasoning, reflection, bliss, and a sense of pure being (Taimini)